
To the attention of authors of collection

of research papers “Current Problems of State and Law” (category "B")!


The editorial board of the collection of research papers “Current Problems of State and Law” is glad to welcome scholars, researchers, readers interested in the topics of the journal to collaboration. Materials for publication are submitted in Ukrainian and English.

The scientific article should contain a statement of the problem, assessment of coverage of the problem in legal literature, purpose, objectives of the presented material on a selected issue, conclusions and prospects for further research.

Based on the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 409 of 17.03.2023 (Annex 1), the collection of research papers “Current Problems of State and Law” is included in the List of scientific professional publications of category "B" authorized to publish theses of applicants for the degree of doctor and candidate in the field of legal sciences (081 "Law", 262 "Law enforcement", 293 " International law").

Editorial staff awards every published paper with DOI (digital object identifier).

The editorial board accepts articles to Issue № 103 of the collection of research papers “Current Problems of State and Law” for 2024 until July 31.



  1. UDC is indicated to the left of the title of the article.
  2. Length of the articles, as a rule, is up to 10 pages (size – 14, line spacing – 1.5).
  3. References in the text are made by indicating number of the source in brackets.
  4. You should specify summaries and key words in the article’s language and English after References at the end of the article; summary volume – 1800 characters without spaces (250 – 300 words), key words – at least 5 words.
  5. The list of references (References) is placed after summaries and must contain the data on works cited.



UDC 341.217

D.O. Denysova

International responsibility of international intergovernmental

organizations in peacekeeping operations

The final result of the UN International Committee on the Progressive Development of International Law and its Codification... [2, c. 192].


  1. Catherine E. Sweetser. Providing effective remedies to victims of abuse by peacekeeping personnel / Sweetser Catherine E. // New York university Law Review. – 2008. – Vol. 83. – № 5 (November). – P. 1671.


Denysova D. O. International responsibility of international intergovernmental organizations in peacekeeping operations. – Article.

Анотація англійською мовою.

Обсяг: 1800 знаків без пробілів (250-300 слів).

Key words: 5–10 ключових слів чи словосполучень, жодне з яких не дублює назву статті.


Денисова Д. О. Міжнародно-правова відповідальність міжнародних міжурядових організацій в миротворчих операціях. – Стаття.

Анотація мовою статті.

Обсяг: 1800 знаків без пробілів (250-300 слів).

Ключові слова: 5–10 ключових слів чи словосполучень, жодне з яких не дублює назву статті.



To have your article published in the collection of research papers “Current Problems of State and Law” № 102 of 2024, it is required to send the following materials to e-mail until May 31, 2024:

  1. Article;
  2. Information about the author;
  3. Scanned copy of publication fee receipt.



The editorial board accepts articles of students only in collaboration with a scientific supervisor.

Materials submitted with violation of the standards are not accepted for editing and publication. The editorial board reserves the right to edit materials, reduce and specify titles. The published materials express the position of the author, which may not coincide with ideas of the editorial board. The author bears responsibility for the accuracy of the facts, statistics, and other materials.



The articles are checked for plagiarism using the software developed by the Polish company



It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.



The amount of publication fee is 1200 UAH. In case of exceeding the volume of 10 pages, you will have an additional payment amounting 50 UAH for each additional article page.

If desired, an author can order a printed copy of the journal. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which is paid in addition to the publication fee.
Journal electronic version will be available on the website on October 31, 2024.
Authors who ordered a printed copy will receive it before November 30, 2024.



Editorial board of the of collection of research papers “Current Problems of State and Law”

Publishing office of scientific research department of National University “Odessa Law Academy”

Address: Pionerska Str. 2, office 1007, Odessa, Ukraine, 65009

Phone number: +38 095 580 16 51




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